Alhamdulillah selamat untuk negara ku tercinta, saya bangga dengan pemain indonesia u-19. selalu harumkan Indonesia kedepannya
1. The journal imposes a “submission fee” or just pays for submission. In fact, after submission, it is not certain that it will be published.…
The History of the Origin of Maimun Palace and Meriam Puntung and Putri Hijau in North SumatraThis palace is dominated by the color yellow, the…
History of the Mossi Kingdom Mossi Kingdom MapSource: The Mossi kingdom was a powerful kingdom that dominated the upper reaches of the Volta river…
The Complete History of the Ethiopian Empire Territories of the Ethiopian Empire The Ethiopian Empire, also known as Abyssinia, covered the geographical region of the…
Complete History of the Benin Empire and Its Territories Source: Benin was a pre-colonial African country founded in 1300 AD. The territory of this…
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Kebesaran, keagungan, kemegahan, dan gemerlapnya Baghdad sebagai pusat pemerintahan dinasti Abbasiyah seolah-olah hanyut dibawah sungai Tigris, setelah kota itu dibumuhanguskan oleh tentara Mongol di bawah…
BAB I PENDAHULUAN Proses pendidikan sebenarnya telah berlangsung sepanjang sejarah dan berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan sosial budaya manusia di bumi. Proses pewarisan dan pengembangan budaya…