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History of the Mossi Kingdom, Lets Read This

History of the Mossi Kingdom

Mossi Kingdom MapSource:

The Mossi kingdom was a powerful kingdom that dominated the upper reaches of the Volta river for hundreds of years.

The increased power of the Mossi Kingdom resulted in greater conflict with several surrounding districts. The Yatenga Kingdom which became a key force at the time of the Songhai Empire’s attacks in 1328 and 1477 in taking over Timbuktu, made the Mossi Kingdom obtain the important trading post of Macina.

But when Askia Mohammad became the leader of the Songhai Empire with his desire to spread Islam, this led to a war with the Mossi Kingdom in 1497. Although the Mossi forces were defeated in this war, they resisted efforts to force them to convert to Islam. Although there are a number of Muslim countries in other regions trying to forcibly spread Islam, namely the Massina Empire and the Sokoto Caliphate, some of the Mossi Kingdom still maintain their traditional religious practices and rituals. The Mossi kingdom developed a mixed religious system acknowledging some Islamic authority while maintaining the previous African spiritual belief system.

Mossi Kingdom ArmySource:


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